Have you ever thought about how light affects our way of living and how we perceive a space? The feeling it gives us and how much unconscious importance we give it?
Light is one of the fundamental aspects in defining a project and when defining the comfort of a space. Warm, cold, strong, dim, diffused, welcoming light.
The hue and intensity of the light go a long way to creating the atmosphere of a space and the atmosphere in turn, can determine our attitude, the psychology of the body, the approach and interaction not only with the space we are living in, but also the people with whom we share that space.
Maison Hermes Via Bisceglie Milano
Renzo Piano
That of light is a broad discourse which spans many different themes, including how it affects our perception of things and the attitude with which we live and connect with them.
That's right, a connection. Lights connect people, connect spaces, but also connect time. We can combine iconic lamps from over the years, with new, contemporary pieces. In doing so, we connect the dots of time, we see the value in the new and mix it with ideas from the past to give life to our own personal and unique spaces.
Below is a series of different lamps, which create different atmospheres, different sensations, but all united by a refined and pleasant aesthetic.
FRAN Light Miami Floor Lamp
Anthurium TC Floor Lamp Hubert Pendant
Norma #3 Coral Royale Cream Light
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