Movimento is and always has been a testament to the importance and the value of collaboration. Movimento is only as great as the sum of its parts, the designers. Without the very talented and ambitious designers, Movimento would not and could not exist. We started Movimento to bring exposure and visibility to these individuals by coming together as a single collective and that is still what we strive to do every day.
Without collaboration, Movimento would not be where it is today, with nearly 100 members from more than 20 different countries. Because of that, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of the amazing things our collaborators have done and show you why we believe collaboration is so important.
Another A_R_T_I_S_T
London, UK
Another Artist is a visual arts studio specialising in architectural animation and product visualisation.
The studio was founded by John Luke Hodgkins, an art director from the UK, with a passion for architecture, advertising and film.
"Following on from our virtual reality exhibition "The Lost Place" we created a series of images with a similar style of large impossible architecture inspired by the likes of Etienne Boullee, Carlo Scarpa and even Stanley Kubrick. This time, however, wanting to make the images seem more like an exhibition and less like an interior shoot and to give these extraordinary pieces a backdrop they would never usually be seen with, we have taken the pieces outside. Among the baron sandscapes lie pieces selected by Artefatto Design Studio highlighting our designers from Milan as well as some excellent designers from the rest of the world. Please take a look at the exhibition and discover some of the global talent within Movimento."
Dao Archviz
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Dao Archviz are a two-man team who wants to take active part in this impressive and astonishing virtual world.
DAO Archviz is based in Kyrgyzstan, a small mountain country in central Asia.
In their work they are driven by three main things: Emotions, Inspiration, Impression.
Something simple must be eye-catching, something difficult must be laconic. Each work has its own mood and dynamic, so it's an important thing for Dao Archviz to always be creative and broad-minded.
"The team behind Dao Archviz created a series of scenes with a common theme, rising up from the rubble. We are all in a position at the moment where we need to push through the negative and keep moving forward. Either we are weighed in by rubble, feeling isolated and alone or stuck somewhere. We believe it’s our duty to keep moving forward for the whole design scene.The pieces in this virtual exhibition are from all over the world, designers from Korea, USA, Turkey, Scotland and many more, set within extraordinary scenes of exaggerated architecture and a variety of materials and textures."
Bruno Tarsia
Milan, Italy
Bruno Tarsia, architect and interior stylist, lives and works in Milan. With a versatile and eclectic taste, he produces editorial photo shoots, commercial catalogs, exhibitions and advertising campaigns, but also interior design for private clients and showrooms.
Following his experiences in the field of interior decoration, he also works as a set designer for fashion photo shoots. His work aims to combine with a poetic and creative touch, imagination, reality, elegance and attention to detail. Whilst his in-depth research encompasses different styles specializing in a balance of chromatic dichotomy.
Rolig Design
Kiev, Ukraine is a visual art and design studio based in Kyiv, Ukraine. It was founded by Ira Ostrovska, an interior and furniture designer. The studio creates renders and design for catalogs, advertising, designers and architects all over the world.
"Movimento, together with Visual Pleasure magazine has co-curated a visual tribute to Milan Design Week called ‘Omaggio’. It includes a global selection of pieces from the members of Movimento Club with interior styling by Bruno Tarsia and 3D visualisation by Rolig Design.
The scene, designed by Bruno Tarsia, is a piece of architecture like no other, each room flows effortlessly into the next, walls seem to stretch into the night sky, forms are repeating yet always unexpected. All of this sits within dreamy landscapes of sand dunes and still skies, almost as if we are in a dream, visiting all of the exhibitions we are missing without Milan Design Week this year. The pieces have been gathered from all corners of the world including Mexico, Australia, South Korea, Slovenia, USA and The Netherlands."
Il Magma
Il Magma is a multidisciplinary collective of designers, architects, creatives and artists based in Italy.
Movimento Club, in collaboration with visual storytellers, Il Magma presents... Nomads.
A visual exhibition showcasing a selection of pieces with no defined location or era but which display a mixture of cultures, materials and techniques which span continents and countries and break preconceived notions of the design scene around the world.
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